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Updated: Mar 15, 2021

It has been over a year since the onset of COVID-19 pandemic, also marking the significant rise of the world's collective dependency on technology. The pandemic continues to transform the norms of how we do things, our work, our communication, our education (and more), and technology is at the center of all of it.

As tech thought leaders 1600 Avenue, 1600 Cyber and the Priv Community took to the virtual stage today to honor International Women’s Day, by Choosing to Challenge Tech.

How? By looking at the social scale and the interconnectedness of its nature, especially when dealing with the complex layers of diversity, equality, equity and inclusion in the workplace.

Looking at tech, or any other industry through the DEI lens not only means opening corporate mindsets to some difficult realities, but it also means being willing to take the multidimensional approach needed to address them. Let’s start with a few questions:

What is it to be a Woman in the tech world?

What is it to be a Black, Indigenous, Woman of Color in the tech world?

What is it to be an LGBTQ2S+, Black, Indigenous, Woman of Color, in the tech world?

What is it to be with disability, LGBTQ2S+, Black, Indigenous, Woman of Color in the tech world?

Are we doing enough?

In 1989, Dr. Kimberlé Crenshaw challenged the multidimensional reality of diversity, equality and inclusion, when she brilliantly and bravely took her lived experiences as a Black, female and coined the term intersectionality. Intersectionality shines light on the fact that there are oppressed populations who are not properly acknowledged through conventional policies of antiracism or feminism and other realms of inclusivity. Conventional policies are often viewed as "tunnel-visioned", and do not account for those who fall into multiple “vulnerable” groups. So what can we do? How can we better understand the experiences of those who fall into one or more populations of DEI?

In 2021, the right thing both in terms of equality, and profitability, is furthering all avenues of diversity in tech. Today´s event’s first goal was to ensure it is known to all communities, that our organization is an ally to all people. The second goal was to bring people together to make progress towards a more diverse and inclusive tech industry. This goal was achieved on International Women's Day, which is important because in tech industries, the data and stats on just how far behind we are is indisputable and could be disheartening for our youth.

Our work will help cultivate the changes we need to see as we continue to Choose To Challenge Tech!

1600 Avenue is the socially responsible, community-based arm of 1600 Cyber GmBH. To look at how we have Choose to Challenge Tech more closely, please read a recent 1600 Cyber team below:

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