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Group of Friends
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For Community

1600 Community for:
Community Orgs, Churches & Non-Profits

Here you will find:

  1. Why we care about you ransomware and cybersecurity

  2. Best practices to protect your community program, church or organization

  3. Work with 1600 Community: Your cyber friend

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Prepare today against Ransomware!

Watch our free intro class now

Jumping on Box

Do you need to learn about online safety?

Book a time to talk with us!
What is Cyber Security

1. Why we care about you, ransomware and cyber security?

Cybersecurity also known as information security is the practice of protecting computers, servers, networks and data from malicious or digital attacks.

We need this more than ever because of the massive digital transformation that has taken place, especially since Covid-19 shut the world down. The internet has allowed us to work, learn and transact remotely. 


Why should we care?

As community centred entities, a lot of trust is placed on you to ensure that the social services you are rendering are safe and secure. Understandably so, not much investment is put into  cyber security in such sectors normally due to stringent budgets. Churches, non profits and communities rely significantly on donations and grants and if not enough care is putting into ensuring such mediums are safe, poses a huge threat. There was a time that no one would be able to comprehend why a cyber criminal would go after a church or community program, but now we know that your data is a multibillion dollar industry.

Once hackers have access to one device, they can effortlessly gain access to your whole network (Wi-Fi). Now cyber criminals are able to gather information (live video, audio, and even payment details). 

Tech was made for good, but is not always used that way. We are reshaping people's relationships with technology, and making them more cyber resilient. 

Learn to protect and respond to one of the biggest threats to organisations nowadays: Ransomware

1600  Community 

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Threat Intelligence



Cyber Tips

Before getting technical help, it is important to be equipped on some basic ways to keep your community or organization safe. Even on an individual level, measures can be taken to protect your data, donors and your personal life online. Technology is not going anywhere. 

Start your journey towards being more tech and cyber-savvy!

Cyber Aware

Watch and learn! Increase team awareness:

Recent blogs: 

Protect your privacy

Phishing risks in non-profits

Ransomware in community programs

PRIV The App: Protect your mobile phone

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Why we choose to challenge tech and its status quo on IWD2021

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María Isidro de la Cruz

Image by Nick Fewings

Michael Council

COVID-19...A latest reason to go Phishing!

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We investigate what current threats pose the greatest risk to your organisation and provide tips on how to protect against them

Almost 90% of cyber attacks are caused by human error or behavior. This can be prevented by providing the right training to your employees and volunteers.

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Cyber Training

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Incident Management, Response & Recovery

The 1600 elite technical team will create a plan for your organisation to prepare, identify, contain, eradicate and recover from cyber attacks.

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Password Manager

Weak passwords can be exploited by hackers so, in order to be protected, a password manager that creates, remembers and fills passwords in, is a great solution to increase protection.

3. Work with 1600 Community: Your cyber friend

We protect communities, churches and non-profits alike. We equip with skills, awareness and tools that slowly reshape corporate culture's relationship with technology. Tech was made for good, but is not always used that way. Let basic knowledge on cybersecurity and privacy become woven into the foundation of your organization. 

  • Passwords

  • Securing credit card details

  • Protecting your identity online (and your kids')

  • Avoiding clicking on hacker-sent emails (phishing), text messages (smishing) or responding to voice calls (vishing) 


The 1600 NCSC
We help

Drop your contact information with us and your will be contacted within 48 hours by a consultant who will tailor your request to meet your needs.


How to secure your home, your car, your phone or your family's devices?

We are here for you!

Book our


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